Gaining Momentum

As of today, I've conducted 3 interviews, and have 7 scheduled interviews between this afternoon and the new year. I'm excited because I was able to easily schedule 10 interviews in less than a month, which keeps me hopeful that I will be able to interview 100 people by the end of 2023.

Some things I'm thinking about as they are coming up is a) how am I going to be easily able to track my data, as right now the data is all captured in an hour long video? I may need to go back to some of these videos and figure out how to collate the data so that I can start to see trends, without spending double the amount of time to gather and organize data. I do feel like once I figure out the cadence of the interview I'll be able to put a spreadsheet together, but I might want to spend some of the holiday break working on organizing that before the new year starts.

That said, I feel like now there is some good momentum on book progress! While I may not be writing too much in the next months, I do intend to write the preface (which aside from my outline is sitting in my brain waiting to be let out), and possibly start figuring out how I will write my chapters. I know I have to submit chapters to my editor via MS Word, but I think I will organize the documents through Google, just so I can easily access and share as I need to.

I was reconnecting with my pal Scott over zoom yesterday, and I mentioned that with this book, I feel like "I'm not writing alone anymore." He pointed it out to me...and I like that. That mayyyyyy just make the preface. Thanks Scott :)

See you in another week or so! I have lots of other things to accomplish today!


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